Sunday, September 18, 2011

Zero = God ----> Faith?

The Pain Scale by Eula Biss is an essay of contemplative topics. The subject of Biss’ essay revolves around the pain scale that doctors often ask you to use to measuring your pain. The scale she argues, quantifies pain that is relatively different to each person. However, medical practitioners insist that the scale is a universal parameter. What one might consider 0 the other might consider 10. Biss believes that 0 should be the fixed point that serves as a way to quantify other degrees of pain relative to it.  Notwithstanding, the number zero is also an inaccurate number. It is a number that behaves different than the other numbers. It cannot be reliable because its behavior cannot be predicted. Furthermore, Biss compares the number zero to Christ. Thus, probably starting up a conversation about the possibility of questioning faith?
                Biss makes the argument that scales are useless. A combination of abstract concepts with quantifying measures renders scales as useless parameters.  For instance, a number (measure) plus an imaginary number (pain) do not add up (a+bi). They are merely separate principles that do not conjugate well. In addition, I hypothesize that Biss also argues how science sometimes tries to study religion.  Just like zero and pain don’t add up mathematically, neither do science nor religion. Knowledge and religion both give rise to the synchrony of the mind/body. Just as your mind tells you a different measure of pain than your body, religion to your mind might be different disregarding the knowledge that you possess of it.

1 comment:

  1. interesting thoughts. Not sure Biss would say scales are "useless" but just that they are inaccurate or, rather, that they cannot reveal "truth." But hey, that's my interpretation.
